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October 3, 2024
A significant issue facing Wicomico County residents this election season is Question A on the County ballot. If approved, it proposes a monumental shift in our County's operational structure - eliminating the executive seat from our government and placing the entire burden of managing the County's affairs onto an entirely new council.

Recently, four out of our seven County Council members declared they would not seek re-election. Despite this, those same individuals now insist that getting rid of the executive seat would be a beneficial initiative that comprises an overhaul of the structural makeup of the local government. But let's examine the consequences.

In 2026, if Question A is successful, and those four County Council members are replaced, that would mean we would have a minimum of four new council members. Yet, the current council members are asking you to trust their judgment on this matter, even though they won't be around to face the repercussions. Do we really want to place our County and its financial prospects in the hands of a green council?

The learning curve for adapting to a new form of government and its procedures would be steep. In fact, it could even prove detrimental to our community, given the likely initial inefficiencies and potentially misguided decisions.

What this loosely translates to is a gamble with our finances and the futures of our children. Is this the experiment we wish to blindly partake in?

It's crucial to note that the council members championing this change have consistently lost court decisions against the other side of government - the side they're now targeting for dissolution. Such a scenario should raise alarms.

Are they looking to engage in questionable governance practices without the executive's scrutiny?

It's vital to remember that Question A didn't emerge from a citizen initiative. The County Council conceived it, and it's this very council that's set to dissolve itself.

As concerned citizens of Wicomico County, we must take a stand. Let's vote against Question A and reject the hasty and potentially detrimental remodeling of our local government.

Our County's future deserves stability, experienced leadership, and checks and balances. Protect our County - Vote Against Question A.