Ocean City, MD - The Town of Ocean City was pleased to hear that both the Worcester County Commissioners and Sussex County Council are doing what the majority of our state and federal elected officials have not done and that is to listen to the facts and to their constituents.
Yesterday, the Worcester County Commissioners approved a resolution to move forward with the purchase of property in the West Ocean City Harbor to prevent the industrialization of our commercial fishing harbor by US Wind and to protect and ensure the future of both our recreational and commercial fishing industries.
Just a short time later, the Sussex County Delaware County Council voted 4 to 1 to deny the proposed conditional use that would have allowed US Wind to build a transmission substation in Dagsboro to connect their power cables to the electrical grid.
Both of these decisions will have a significant impact on US Wind's plans, which already has state and federal approvals, to build 114 gigantic wind turbines just 10.7 miles off the Maryland Coast.The negative impact these turbines would have on our environment, eco system, view shed, commercial and recreational fishing industries, our economy, and our future are a reality.
Marylander's electric bills will be increased to subsidize this terrible project. The total cost to Maryland ratepayers for this new "wind tax" and why Maryland businesses and residents are being asked to pay for electricity that provides power in another state should be addressed by the Maryland General Assembly this session. Is this really the best energy investment for Maryland and our environment?
"We want to thank the Worcester County Commissioners and the Sussex County Council Members for doing the right thing and truly representing the citizens they were elected to represent," stated Mayor Rick Meehan.
Source: Town of Ocean City Press Release