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February 13, 2024
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has recently revealed exciting news for the upcoming pond trout season in 2024. Young anglers under the age of 16 can expect to kickstart their fishing season at 7 AM on Saturday, March 2, 2024. The regular season will then commence for all fishing enthusiasts, half an hour before dawn on Sunday, March 3, 2024.

On the inaugural day for the young anglers, the fishing window will span from 7 AM until half an hour after sunset. Beyond the first day, anglers can cast their lines from half an hour before sunrise until one half-hour after sunset, unless local regulations state otherwise.

Preparations are underway at two beloved fishing locations, Tidbury Pond near Dover in Kent County, and Newton Pond near Greenwood in Sussex County, Delaware. These will be stocked and ready for trout fishing, provided that freezing conditions (Ice on the pond) do not hinder stocking or fishing activities.

To enhance the fishing experience, both Tidbury and Newton Ponds will halt all fishing activities from Saturday, Feb. 17 through Friday, March 1. This temporary closure will not only facilitate trout stocking but also prevent accidental hooking of freshly stocked trout, allowing them ample time to adapt to their new habitat.

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife has plans to stock each pond with an impressive quantity of 12 to 13-inch rainbow trout, amounting to more than 300 pounds, prior to opening day. A second wave of stocking is scheduled for mid-March to include trophy-sized trout weighing two pounds or more, adding more allure for trout anglers.

Furthermore, Newton Pond will be enhancing its fishing experience with the installation of two new 120-foot-long aluminum fishing piers on the east side of the pond. These piers will augment the shoreline access for trout and other fishing, negating the need for anglers to navigate steep slopes to reach the water's edge.

Trout anglers planning to fish Tidbury Pond or Newton Pond should note the following rules and regulations:

  • A Delaware fishing license is required, unless an angler is exempt

  • A Delaware trout stamp is required through April 1, unless an angler is exempt

  • The daily possession limit is six trout

Proceeds from the purchase of Delaware trout stamps are used to help purchase trout for stocking the next year. This popular fishery is also supported by federal Sport Fish Restoration funds administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that are generated from anglers purchasing fishing equipment.

Delaware's trout season in upstate streams will open Saturday, April 6 with a youth-only day, followed by the opening of the regular trout season for all anglers on Sunday, April 7.

Delaware fishing licenses and trout stamps are sold online and by license agents statewide. To find a participating agent, or to purchase a license or trout stamp online, visit de.gov/fishinglicense.

Additional information about fishing in Delaware, including license and trout stamp requirements, is available in the 2024 Delaware Fishing Guide. The guide also is available in printed form from license agents throughout the state.