Ocean City, Maryland - This winter storm has transformed Ocean City, Maryland, from a beach resort to a winter wonderland. It has blanketed the beaches and roads with a thick layer of snow.
As the winter storm continues to travel through the area today, January 6, significant snow accumulation is likely with a mix of sleet, freezing rain, or plain rain in the afternoon. Another brief burst of snow is possible this evening into tonight's first part as temperatures fall below freezing.
The Town of Ocean City's winter storm plan is in effect as crews continue plowing efforts. Due to the weather and road conditions, City Offices are closed.
All recreation programs offered today at Ocean City Recreation and Park have been canceled. In addition, the OC Beach Bus Service has been suspended until road conditions improve.
The Ocean City Public Works Department is working diligently to clear roadways and parking lots; however, citizens are encouraged to limit travel. The Maryland State Highway Administration has implemented its Snow Emergency Plans for all of Worcester County.
If travel is essential, drivers should use extra caution, reduce speed, and ensure they have snow tires or snow chains. In addition, emergency management officials are encouraging residents to avoid parking on streets until cleanup is complete.
The Town of Ocean City's Emergency Services Department continues to monitor the storm and update residents and visitors as services change. Residents should program their radios to 99.5 and follow @OCPDMDinfo on Twitter or visit for updates.
Source: Town of Ocean City Press Release