Wicomico County, MD - The Salisbury Zoo is excited to share some delightful news with the community. On July 16, 2024, Lily, a white-tailed deer fawn, was born at the Salisbury Zoo. This unexpected event surprised the Zoo staff as Rosie, Lily's mother, was not known to be pregnant when she joined them in March.
That morning, vigilant zookeepers noticed an unusual behavior in Rosie and promptly consulted with their veterinary team. A comprehensive examination revealed Rosie was in labor.
Despite a challenging delivery, the veterinary team's skill and dedication ensured the successful birth of Lily. Post-birth, efforts to encourage a natural mother-infant bond between Rosie and Lily were unsuccessful.
Rosie's maternal instincts did not develop as expected, and Lily was not nursing. To ensure Lily's wellbeing, a decision was taken to hand-raise Lily.
She was moved to the Animal Hospital, where she received round-the-clock care from the zoo's dedicated team. With a strict feeding schedule, she was provided with the nourishment she needed, and now, just three months later, the zoo staff is pleased to see Lily's progress.
Nearly weaned, Lily has developed a taste for produce and leaves and has started trying grain. She has made day trips to the deer yard and is steadily becoming accustomed to her fellow Zoo mates, including her mother Rosie, fellow white-tailed deer Zoe and the goats. Soon, Lily will become a full-time member of the zoo's white-tailed deer exhibit.
"We're so proud of the dedication of our staff and the progress Lily has made," says Chuck Eicholz, Director at the Salisbury Zoo. "Her growth and development have been heartwarming to witness. We look forward to introducing her to the community soon. We invite you all to come and meet Lily, our latest addition to the Salisbury Zoo family."