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April 29, 2024

Cambridge, Maryland - An apartment fire was quickly brought under controlled at The Meadows of Cambridge Apartments on 5238 Primrose Court, Cambridge, Maryland, thanks to the quick activation of the robust sprinkler system. 

The incident occurred on Aprl 26, 2024, at approximately 7:02 p.m., when discarded smoking material accidentally ignited a fire on a wooden-framed balcony. 

Fortunately, the quick thinking of a neighboring tenant led to the activation of a fire alarm pull station. The sprinkler system started working almost immediately, effectively containing the fire to the balcony and preventing it from spreading to the inside of the building or to nearby apartments. 

The quick action by the neighbor ensured the safety of the apartment residents and mitigated potential extensive damage. 

Rescue Fire Company arrived on the scene shortly afterward, with 20 firefighters responding to the alarm. They were able to completely control the fire in under 35 minutes, ensuring the safety of the residents and preserving the integrity of the three-story apartment building. 

There were no reported injuries as a result of the fire. The estimated damage to the structure is fairly moderate at $5,000, with a further $500 loss in contents. 

Acting State Fire Marshal Jason M. Mowbray was full of praise for the apartment's well-maintained sprinkler system, "Residential fire sprinklers are proven to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property and valuables. This incident at The Meadows of Cambridge Apartments has proven once again just how crucial these automatic fire sprinkler systems are."

The fire department will continue their investigation, but this incident serves as a timely reminder of constantly observing fire safety measures in residential areas. It exemplifies the importance of functional fire safety equipment that can make the difference between a minor incident and a full-blown disaster.