Salisbury, MD - October is National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. Saturday, October 28th is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This day encourages people to get rid of leftover medications safely by disposing of them in secure receptacles. Reducing the availability of prescription medications can reduce the chances of someone misusing or abusing them. Since 2013, 4,623 pounds of prescription drugs have been collected in the drop boxes in Wicomico County.
Wicomico County Prescription Drop Box Locations:
- Delmar Police (Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
- Fruitland Police (Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm)
- Salisbury Police (Monday-Sunday 24/7)
- Maryland State Police Salisbury (Monday-Sunday 24/7) TAKES NEEDLES
- Wicomico County Sheriff's Office (Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
- Apple Discount Drugs (both) (Monday-Friday 8:00 am -8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm)
- Mt. Hermon Pharmacy (Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm)
- Peninsula Regional Medical Center Emergency Department (Monday-Sunday/24 hours a day)
Personal information should be removed from the original container prior to dropping it off at one of the sites. Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and pet medications are accepted. No liquids, needles, thermometers, or biohazard materials are allowed. The only Drop Box that takes needles is Maryland State Police 2765 N. Salisbury Blvd. Salisbury, MD 21801.
For more information or to get involved in the effort to reduce prescription drug use/abuse in Wicomico County, please contact the Wicomico County Health Department at (410) 334-3480.