State of Maryland - In anticipation of daylight saving time (DST) ending on November 3rd, Acting State Fire Marshal Jason Mowbray urges Marylanders to "Change Your Clock - Check Your Smoke Alarms."
Recognizing that working smoke alarms and CO detectors double a family's chance of surviving a home fire and unsafe carbon monoxide levels, Mowbray says the beginning and end of Daylight Savings Time is an excellent opportunity for families to change the batteries.
"Please take a few minutes to help ensure the safety of your family and friends by maintaining these life-saving devices," Mowbray stated
It's been 11 years since a 2013 Maryland law required all "battery-only" smoke alarms sold in the state to be 10-year sealed lithium battery smoke alarms.
The older 9-volt or similar battery smoke alarms that many are familiar with have reached their life span and need to be replaced with new lithium battery models designed to remain effective for up to 10 years.
As a reminder, if your property is protected with 120-volt electric smoke alarms, they should be replaced every 10 years with new 120-volt smoke alarms with battery backup to ensure proper and timely operation during a fire.
Smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, hallway, and common area outside a bedroom and on every floor of the house.
Those needing assistance purchasing or installing smoke alarms can contact their local fire department or Red Cross.
Along with working smoke alarms and CO detectors, Home Escape Plans are another way Marylanders can avoid injury or death in their homes. Families can practice the plan together by identifying at least two escape routes - before an emergency strikes.
Practicing the plan helps educate younger children about the danger of hazardous situations and the importance of recognizing that a smoke alarm or CO detector's sound signals a potential hazard in the home. "Testing your smoke alarms and CO detectors and replacing outdated and older alarms, along with developing and practicing a home escape plan, are some of the best ways to protect your loved ones and yourself from fire and carbon monoxide poisoning," stated Mowbray.
Acting State Fire Marshal Mowbray also reminded everyone to keep doors closed while sleeping in case a fire occurs inside their home. A closed door will allow more time to escape or be rescued by blocking smoke, toxic gases, heat, and flames from entering your room.
If you escape from a burning building, close doors as you leave to stop additional oxygen from entering and enhancing the fire's growth.
Source: Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal Press Release