Over the past few months, Citizens of Wicomico County have patiently stood by in the hopes that the working relationship between the Wicomico County Council and Wicomico County Executive Julie Giordano, would somehow work itself out and both parties would find a way to get along and move forward with a mutually beneficial working agreement.
Any hope for a resolution has dwindled and those who will suffer from these outrageous acts are the Citizens of Wicomico County. On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council will vote to override the County Executive's Veto of Legislative Bill 2023-11.
The Wicomico County Council passed legislation to defund 3 positions in the Wicomico County Government. Those positions consist of Director of Public Works, Deputy Director of Public Works, and Assistant Director of Administration.
Two of these positions currently have someone occupying the position, who is qualified for those positions according to the legal opinion of the Wicomico County Attorney Mr. Paul Wilbur. The County Executive and her administration followed the process accordingly with both of these positions.
The County Council President John Cannon, and the Council's attorney Mr. Andy Mitchell, have the opinion that the County Executive is in violation of the charter they feel these two individuals are not qualified to be in these positions. Having said that, the Council passed legislation to temporarily defund the positions.
In the two differing opinions Mr. Wilbur has written an opinion that the County Executive and her Administration's actions were correct, while Mr. Mitchell has failed to provide a legal and written opinion for the Council's accusations and actions against the County Executive and her Administration.
After the legislation was passed to defund these three positions, the County Executive responded by vetoing this legislation.
This coming Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council will vote to override the County Executive's veto at the Council Meeting.
At this point, it is abundantly clear that the Wicomico County Council has shown that they have no intention of working this out and no desire to resolve this issue. They continue to waste our taxpayer dollars, even after being informed by the Counties Attorney that this is wrong.
Therefore, I am calling on the Citizens of Wicomico County, to stand in unity with me, today and then again on Tuesday, and let our voice be heard.
Below, I am attaching an email template that I am requesting you to email to Council President John Cannon, as well as all members of the Wicomico County Council.
Let them know your opinion and let them know that as a united community that votes them into office, we are standing together and we are against this veto! Stand with me in unity as the Citizens of Wicomico County, and let the Wicomico County Council know that we do not support this Override of the Veto and we will not stand for personal vendettas and childish nonsense anymore.
Enough is enough, our tax dollars are being wasted by politicians who are acting like middle school children! It's time the voters step up and express our displeasure with the elected officials that we voted into office.
Email Template
Wicomico County Council President John Cannon and respected members of the Wicomico County Council,
I am a resident of Wicomico County and I am emailing you today, requesting that you do not override the veto of Legislative Bill No. 2023-11 and Charter Provisions for Council Reconsideration, section 411-D.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
(Your Name)
Wicomico County Council Members Contact Information
John Cannon (R) – Council President
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 410-251-3282
Shane Baker (R) – Council Vice President
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 443-614-6285
James Winn (R)
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 443-493-0653
Shanie Shields (D)
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 443-493-0654
Jeff Merritt (R)
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 410-713-8940
Josh Hastings (D)
Office: 410-548-4696
Cell: 410-251-5268
Joe Holloway (R)
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-749-4010