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July 10, 2024

Wicomico County, MD - Wicomico County has been fortunate to have Delegate Carl Anderton (R-Wicomico County) championing its communities and constituents since 2015. Known for his dedication and experience, Anderton has been a stalwart force in the Maryland General Assembly.

This week, the Delegate is expected to step down from his current role and embrace a new opportunity within Maryland Governor Wes Moore's administration.

Delegate Anderton has been appointed as the Director of Rural Strategy Within the Maryland Department of Commerce. This role positions him at the forefront of promoting economic opportunities, infrastructure development, and improving the quality of life for rural areas throughout Maryland.

Throughout his tenure, Anderton's efforts in rural development, constituent services, and supporting local communities have not gone unnoticed. He embodies the administration's commitment to comprehending and tackling the distinctive issues rural regions face and harnessing their limitless potential.

Julie Giordano, County Executive, expressed mixed feelings about the transition, "It's bittersweet. While we are sad to lose Carl Anderton as our Delegate, we look forward to working with him in another capacity. We know that in this new role, he will help with economic development here on the shore. His commitment to our community will continue to make a positive impact.

As Anderton steps into his new role, a process will be initiated to fill his seat in the Maryland General Assembly. This ensures that the residents of Wicomico County will continue to have their voices heard and their needs met.

We anticipate Delegate Carl Anderton's steadfast commitment to rural development will drive significant advancements in our communities under Governor Wes Moore's administration.

Anderton has already proved his dedication in serving Wicomico County, and we look forward to seeing his influence grow in his new role as the Director of Rural Strategy.