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July 24, 2024
Wicomico County, MD - On July 23, 2024, in the Circuit Court for Wicomico County, Corey Sparks, age 37, of Mardela Springs, Maryland, pleaded guilty to Sexual Abuse of a Minor and two counts of Sexual Offense in the Third Degree. The previous day, on July 22, 2024, a Wicomico County jury was empaneled for trial in this case and opening statements were delivered.

On the morning of the second day of trial, on July 23, 2024, Sparks entered the guilty plea prior to testimony and evidence being presented before the jury. Sentencing was deferred pending receipt of a mandatory pre-sentence investigation and mental health assessment.

Between 2020 and 2021, Sparks sexually abused a minor child within his household. The victim was under the age of 13. Sparks will remain in custody pending sentencing. As a result of his convictions, Sparks will be required to register as a Tier III Sexual Offender for life, and will likewise be subject to Lifetime Sexual Offender Supervision.

Wicomico County State's Attorney (SA) Jamie L. Dykes said, "When children have the courage to report sexual abuse perpetrated against them, the process, unfortunately, does not end there. Disclosure is an ongoing process that entails continuing interaction with the criminal justice system through multiple levels of investigation, pretrial proceedings, and, ultimately, trial. Survivors of abuse exhibit enduring strength throughout this sometimes lengthy process, and this is no less true in this case. Because of the comprehensive investigation and preparation of this case, and due to the multi-disciplinary approach employed by the Wicomico County Child Advocacy Center, a just result was delivered to this survivor prior to any testimony being given at trial. I hope the outcome in this case affords the survivor peace and closure."

SA Jamie L. Dykes commended members of the Wicomico County Child Advocacy Center and Wicomico County Child Protective Services for their work in the investigation. SA Dykes also commended Senior Assistant State's Attorney Michael Calabrese, who prosecuted the case and advocated for justice.