Wicomico County, MD - The Appellate Court of Maryland has issued a ruling on the contentious case between the Wicomico County Council and the County Executive's Office.
At the heart of this matter was the disputed appointment of Assistant Director of Administration Matt Leitzel and the subsequent actions taken by the County Council to reject the appointment and defund the position.
Background on the Case
The legal proceedings began when the County Executive sought declaratory and injunctive relief in the Circuit Court for Wicomico County. The dispute centered around the contested appointment of the Assistant Director of Administration and the Wicomico County Council's decision to reject the candidate and pass legislation defunding the position.
The County Executive felt that the Council's actions violated procedural requirements, while the Council argued they were acting within the limits of their authority.
The Circuit Court initially ruled in favor of the County Executive, declaring the appointment valid under Wicomico County Charter § 315(A) and stating that the Council did not have the authority to defund the position.
However, on appeal, the Appellate Court overturned this decision, ruling in favor of the Council. The court determined that the Council acted within its authority by defunding the position and vacated the Circuit Court's judgment in favor of the County Executive.
Specific Ruling on the Assistant Director of Administration
A significant aspect of the court's decision concerns the compensation of Mr. Leitzel, who served as Assistant Director of Administration since June 26, 2023. While the Appellate Court supported the Council's authority over budgetary matters, it also clarified that Mr. Leitzel is entitled to receive his salary through his final working day as determined by the court's mandate.
It is noteworthy that Mr. Leitzel had submitted his resignation nearly a month prior to this ruling due to personal family obligations requiring his relocation to Pennsylvania.
The court's decision comes just two days before his departure, affirming his entitlement to compensation through the end of his tenure.
Reactions and Statements
The Wicomico County Council expressed its approval of the appellate ruling, emphasizing the decision's alignment with procedural standards outlined in the Wicomico County Charter.
Conversely, the County Executive's Office criticized the Council's public statements regarding the case, describing their claims of financial mismanagement as misleading and unfounded.
The Executive's Office underscored that Mr. Leitzel's resignation was voluntary and unrelated to the legal dispute, urging the Council to focus on governance rather than political controversies.
Implications for Wicomico County Governance
The Appellate Court's decision has important implications for governance practices in Wicomico County. When there is unnecessary tension and overstepping of a branch of government, it leads to issues with employee morale and employee recruitment.
The ruling highlights the need for collaboration and respect for the respective roles of the County Executive and the Council to prioritize the interests of Wicomico County residents.
That should always be the primary focus of all elected positions. In the end, Mr. Leitzel will be compensated as promised and agreed to.
Unfortunately, Mr. Leitzel's, last day with Wicomico County will be on March 7, 2025. It will remain a crapshoot to see what happens with the next appointment and to see if once again, the County Council stands in the way of the County Executive selecting her own leaders.
In closing, as county taxpayers we need to look at this from a standpoint of, did the county council really win or did the county taxpayers lose?
For further information and to review the complete opinion of the Appellate Court of Maryland, individuals are encouraged to consult official legal resources.