About Us
The Eastern Shore Undercover® Mission
The Eastern Shore Undercover® mission is to provide the citizens of the Eastern Shore with a reliable source of news and important information from our community.
We provide live and local Breaking News stories in a manner unlike any other credible news source on the Eastern Shore. We will give you the news today that many others won't know about until tomorrow!
We are a pro-police page. We support all forms of law enforcement and our first responders. Eastern Shore Undercover® strongly believes in bonding the local community and our local law enforcement and first responders. Together, we are all much stronger than as one!
The Eastern Shore Undercover® Goal
Our goal at Eastern Shore Undercover® is to stay true to our community and post as much real news and essential information as possible. Knowledge is power, and if we can provide our community with the info to make them aware of what is happening, there will be fewer problems within the community.
The Eastern Shore Undercover Promise
Our promise to you as a follower and supporter of Eastern Shore Undercover® is to always provide you with 100% factual news and information that is credible, reliable, and worth your time.
The news that we post under our name will always be honest and accurate, not something that we are simply looking for clicks, likes, or shares. News articles we post daily come from press releases that we gather for you. We are not a news source that will go fishing with titles to get people to open the article.
We post what happens and don't embellish the facts of the story to make it sound more interesting. What you see is what you get here at Eastern Shore Undercover®.
Our Initial Founding
Eastern Shore Undercover® was founded in June 2020 during the COVID-19 shutdown. We noticed a true lack of dedication in the Somerset County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County areas to a real source of information. Nothing was worse than turning on the TV or opening a social media page for what is supposed to be a local news source and seeing nothing about local news.
When COVID-19 struck, and the area came to a standstill, we decided to move forward with our idea and begin a small resource of information for our community.
Since our early days, we have grown day after day and will continue to grow organically through good people who like what we have to offer.
We now cover a much larger area of the Eastern Shore of Maryland to include Wicomico County, Worcester County, Somerset County, Caroline County, Dorchester County, Talbot County, Kent County, Queen Anne's County, as well as Sussex County, Delaware and Accomack County, Virginia.
We have built a very strong following, combined a reliable informational website with a great social media campaign, and added the most significant following of citizens in the world to create what we feel is one of the most relied-upon sources of information on the shore, Eastern Shore Undercover®!